Sunday, February 10, 2013

A wind-aided run--and life

Yesterday, on a blustery morning, I finagled things so I could run with the wind at my back. Over the hour, there were a few occasions when I caught a crosswind and even a head wind a time or two, but basically I bounced along with 15-20 miles per hour of Nature helping out. 

The wind-aided 10K was a pleasant change of pace on a winter’s day; with the wind an ally, you can kind of glide along and work on your form.

With lesser strain, perhaps you have more energy for thought. I pondered the meaning of the whole thing. Is wind-aided running fair? Does the day deserve an asterisk?

One could salvage the thought, too, that the trip was a good metaphor for my life. The day before, I stumbled upon an unmarked file in my office and opened it to find a bunch of notes and clippings from early and mid career that had encouraged me in some form. Most of the materials were hand-written notes or more formal memos from bosses, colleagues, and sources from the industry of agriculture I have covered  all of my career. 

During the run, it dawned on me, if it hadn't registered before, how those people had a great deal to do with any success I achieved in those years and that they helped bring me home to this place I am now in life. Then I jumped to the next level of appreciation of all the friends and family who have helped push me along, too. Words for those people would reach to the ineffable.

I've had a wonderfully wind-aided career, and life.  And I should take some time now to try to play that role more often in the lives of others.

 The answer for this day, forgive me, was blowin’ in the wind.


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